Find an ACA Meeting in Minnesota

ACA Minnesota Intergroup no longer maintains a separate list of Minnesota-specific meetings.

The Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families World Service Organization maintains the most up-to-date, searchable database of all registered ACA meetings across the globe in all meeting formats (online, in-person, zoom, phone, hybrid).

To locate a meeting in Minnesota, go to the Find a Meeting search page on the website and choose your search criteria from the dropdowns and input fields. An example search is below.

This screenshot below is from and shows a method for locating meetings within 50 miles of St. Paul any taking place day of the week (note red text and yellow highlights are added for clarity):

The above image is a screenshot of the Find a Meeting page from It is not functional!

Updating ACA Minnesota Meetings

Tradition 4 states, “Each group is autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or ACA as a whole. We cooperate with all other Twelve-Step programs.”

Meeting representatives of individual Minnesota meetings are responsible for updating their meeting details.

To update your meeting, locate your meeting listing from the search page above, then click on the “update This Meeting” or “Report a Listing Issue” button.

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